Free Security System Estimates

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Interactive Services
Know what’s happening at your home when you’re at work, across town, or around the world.
Customize Your System
Create individual user access codes, set-up email, text, or image alerts to see who is coming or going, and more.
Know Now
Receive alerts when alarms are triggered, doors open, the power goes out or when any other event that’s important to you occurs.
Remote Control
Arm or disarm your system, control lights, locks and thermostats no matter where you are.
Full Suite of Mobile Apps
Free, easy to use apps for nearly any mobile device.
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Smart Energy Management
Set energy saving schedules based on the exact activity patterns in your home every day of the week.
Lights and Thermostat Control
Set schedules to regulate lights, locks and thermostats to match your lifestyle and activity.
Intelligent Automation
Enjoy light schedules that adjust automatically with seasons and time changes.
Keyless Entry
Lock and unlock doors through the free mobile app and leave your keys behind.
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Dedicated Wireless Connectivity
Stay protected and connected, even if the phone line is cut, the Internet is disconnected or the power goes out.
Exclusive Crash & Smash Protection
Rest assured with patented technology that protects you even if an intruder destroys your security panel.
2-Way Emergency Voice
Communicate directly with first responders through the security panel in the event of an emergency.
Severe Weather Alerts
Get advance notification of threatening tornadoes, tsunamis or fires.
Image Sensor
Get an instant look into your home while you’re away with this breakthrough product. 
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Live Video
View activity when a door opens or if a motion sensor is triggered in your home.
Image Alerts
Set rules to receive pictures of activity that matters most to you.
HD Cameras
Access crystal clear video streams, day or night, indoors or out.
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